
import { ObservableSlim } from "../_external/observableSlim/ObservableSlim.js";

 * Helper class provides static helper functions.
class Helper
     * @param {string} str String to trim
     * @param {string|undefined} characters Characters to trim. Default is empty space.
     * @param {string|undefined} flags RegExp flag. Default is "g"
     * @returns {string}
    static trim ( str, characters = " ", flags = "g" )
        if (typeof str !== "string" || typeof characters !== "string" || typeof flags !== "string")
            throw new TypeError("argument must be string");

        if (!/^[gi]*$/.test(flags))
            throw new TypeError("Invalid flags supplied '" + flags.match(new RegExp("[^gi]*")) + "'");

        characters = characters.replace(/[\[\](){}?*+\^$\\.|\-]/g, "\\$&");

        return str.replace(new RegExp("^[" + characters + "]+|[" + characters + "]+$", flags), '');

     * Serialize given from
     * @param {HTMLFormElement} form - The form element to serialize
     * @returns {object} - Plain javascript object containing the name and value of given form.
    static serializeForm( form )
        const object = {};
        new FormData( form ).forEach(( value, key) =>
            // Reflect.has in favor of: object.hasOwnProperty(key)
            if( !Reflect.has( object, key ) )
                object[ key ] = value;

            if( !Array.isArray( object[ key ] ) )
                object[ key ] = [ object[ key ] ];

            object[ key ].push( value );
        return object;

     * Creates an unique ID
     * @returns {string}
     * @throws {Error} - If crypto module is not available
    static createUid()
        if ( typeof crypto === 'undefined'  )
            throw new Error( 'Crypto is not available.' );

        return ( [ 1e7 ] + -1e3 + -4e3 + -8e3 + -1e11 ).replace( /[018]/g, c =>
            ( c ^ crypto.getRandomValues( new Uint8Array( 1 ) )[ 0 ] & 15 >> c / 4 ).toString( 16 )

     * Checks if given value is string
     * @param {*} v - Value to check
     * @returns {boolean}
    static isString( v )
        return ( typeof v === 'string' || v instanceof String );

     * Checks if given value is an array or not
     * @param {*} v - Value to check
     * @returns {boolean}
    static isArray( v )
        return Array.isArray( v );

     * Checks if given value is a plain object
     * @see {@link https://github.com/lodash/lodash/blob/master/isPlainObject.js}
     * @param value
     * @returns {boolean}
    static isPlainObject( value )
        if ( !Helper._isObjectLike( value ) || Helper._getTag( value ) != '[object Object]' )
            return false

        if ( Object.getPrototypeOf( value ) === null )
            return true

        let proto = value
        while ( Object.getPrototypeOf( proto ) !== null)
            proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto)

        return Object.getPrototypeOf( value ) === proto

     * Checks if given value is a class constructor
     * @see {@link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30758961/how-to-check-if-a-variable-is-an-es6-class-declaration}
     * @param v
     * @returns {boolean}
    static isClass( v )
        return typeof v === 'function' && /^\s*class\s+/.test(v.toString());

     * Deep merges two objects into target
     * @param {Object} target
     * @param {Object} sources
     * @return {Object}
     * @example
     * const merged = mergeDeep({a: 1}, { b : { c: { d: { e: 12345}}}});
     * // => { a: 1, b: { c: { d: [Object] } } }
    static deepMerge( target, ...sources )
        if (!sources.length) return target;
        const source = sources.shift();

        if ( Helper.isPlainObject( target ) && Helper.isPlainObject( source ) )
            for ( const key in source )
                if ( Helper.isPlainObject( source[ key ] ) )
                    if ( !target[ key ] ) Object.assign( target, { [key]: {} } );
                    Helper.deepMerge( target[ key ], source[ key ] );
                    Object.assign( target, { [key]: source[key] });

        return Helper.deepMerge( target, ...sources );

     * Create an observable object
     * @param {function=} onChange - Callback triggered on change. Default is undefined.
     * @param {object=} objReference - Referenced object which will be transformed to an observable. Default is an empty new object.
     * @param {boolean=} batchUpDelay - Flag defining if change events are batched up for 10ms before being triggered. Default is true.
     * @returns {ProxyConstructor}
    static createObservable( onChange = undefined, objReference = {}, batchUpDelay = true )
        return ObservableSlim.create(

    // Refer to:
    // https://github.com/lodash/lodash/blob/master/isObjectLike.js
    static _isObjectLike( value )
        return typeof value === 'object' && value !== null

    // Refer to:
    // https://github.com/lodash/lodash/blob/master/.internal/getTag.js
    static _getTag( value )
        if ( value == null )
            return value === undefined ? '[object Undefined]' : '[object Null]'
        return Object.prototype.toString.call( value );

export { Helper };